What is CISM? How to Pass CISM in FIRST attempt in 2023 & Average Salary ? See This Ultimate Guide

 What is CISM? Introduction to CISM

The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) is a professional certification offered by ISACA (formerly the Information Systems Audit and Control Association) for information security professionals. The CISM certification is designed for experienced information security professionals who have a strong foundation in information security management and who are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing an organization’s information security program.

What is CISM? How to Pass CISM in FIRST attempt in 2023

To earn the CISM certification, candidates must have at least five years of experience in information security management and must pass a comprehensive exam that covers four domains: information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management.

Holders of the CISM certification are recognized as experts in the field of information security management and are in high demand by organizations seeking to protect their sensitive data and systems. The CISM certification is widely recognized as a benchmark of excellence in the field and may be preferred by employers for information security positions.

How Much CISM Certified Professionals Earn?

According to the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)², which administers the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification, the average salary for a CISM-certified professional is $139,000 per year. However, actual salaries may vary depending on factors such as the individual’s level of experience, job title, industry, and location.
In general, CISM-certified professionals tend to be in high demand and may be able to command higher salaries compared to non-certified individuals with similar levels of experience. The CISM certification is specifically designed for experienced information security professionals and is widely recognized as a benchmark of excellence in the field. As such, CISM-certified professionals may be considered more qualified and may be able to negotiate higher salaries as a result.

How Much CISM Exam Costs?

The cost of the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam varies depending on your membership status with ISACA, the organization that administers the exam.
For ISACA members, the CISM exam fee is $575. For non-members, the exam fee is $760.
Additionally, ISACA offers a review course that covers the exam content in a structured and comprehensive manner. The review course fee is $1,575 for members and $1,850 for non-members.
It is also worth noting that some employers may cover the cost of the CISM exam and/or review course as a professional development benefit for their employees. If you are considering pursuing the CISM certification, it may be worth checking with your employer to see if they provide this type of support.

How to Book CISM Exam?

To book the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Create an ISACA account: First, create an account on the ISACA website. If you are already an ISACA member, you can use your existing login credentials to access the website.
2. Register for the CISM exam: Once you have logged in to your ISACA account, you can register for the CISM exam by following the “CISM Exam” link under the “Certification” tab.
3. Select an exam delivery method: The CISM exam is available in two delivery methods: computer-based testing (CBT) or paper-based testing (PBT). Select the delivery method that you prefer.
4. Select an exam date and location: Next, select a date and location for your exam. ISACA offers computer-based testing at testing centers around the world, while paper-based testing is only offered at select locations.
5. Pay the exam fee: After you have selected your exam date and location, you will be prompted to pay the exam fee. The fee varies depending on your membership status with ISACA.
6. Confirm your exam registration: Once you have completed the registration process and paid the exam fee, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will include important information about your exam, including the date, time, and location of the exam.
It is important to note that exam availability and locations may be limited, so it is a good idea to register for the CISM exam as soon as possible to secure your preferred exam date and location.

How to Pass CISM Certification Exam in First Attempt in 2023?

The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification exam is a challenging and comprehensive exam that requires a strong foundation in information security management. To increase your chances of passing the CISM exam on your first attempt, you should:
1. Understand the exam content and format: The CISM exam covers four domains: information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management. Familiarize yourself with the exam content and format by reviewing the CISM exam content outline and taking practice exams.
2. Gain relevant work experience: The CISM certification is designed for experienced information security professionals, and the exam covers concepts and best practices that are typically learned through on-the-job experience. To increase your chances of success on the CISM exam, you should gain as much relevant work experience as possible before taking the exam.
3. Study and review the material thoroughly: The CISM exam is a rigorous and comprehensive exam, and it is important to study and review the material thoroughly. This may involve reviewing the CISM exam content outline, studying CISM review materials and taking practice exams, and attending CISM review courses or workshops.
4. Manage your time effectively: The CISM exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions and is four hours long. It is important to manage your time effectively during the exam to ensure that you are able to complete all of the questions.
5. Stay current on information security best practices: The CISM exam covers the latest information security best practices and trends. To increase your chances of success on the exam, you should stay current on these best practices and trends by reading industry publications, attending industry conferences and events, and participating in continuing education opportunities.

Here are a few additional tips that may help you prepare for and pass the CISM exam on your first attempt:

1. Determine your strengths and weaknesses: Take a practice exam or review the CISM exam content outline to determine which areas you are strongest in and which areas you need to focus on. This will help you allocate your study time effectively and target your studying to the areas where you need the most improvement.
2. Create a study plan: Develop a study plan that outlines how you will prepare for the CISM exam. Consider factors such as how much time you have to study, your learning style, and your availability to attend review courses or workshops. Stick to your study plan and make sure to allocate enough time to review all of the exam material.
3. Use a variety of study materials: There are many different resources available to help you prepare for the CISM exam, including review guides, practice exams, online courses, and review courses. Use a variety of study materials to ensure that you are getting a well-rounded understanding of the exam content.
4. Take care of yourself: Make sure to get enough rest and exercise, eat a healthy diet, and manage your stress levels as you prepare for the CISM exam. Being physically and mentally fit can help you perform your best on exam day.
5. Consider attending a review course: Review courses and workshops can be a helpful way to supplement your independent study and ensure that you are fully prepared for the CISM exam. These courses are typically led by experienced professionals who have passed the CISM exam and can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Few additional tips to consider as you prepare for the CISM exam:

1. Understand the exam format: The CISM exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, and you will have four hours to complete the exam. Familiarize yourself with the exam format so that you know what to expect on exam day.
2. Review the exam content outline: The CISM exam content outline provides a detailed breakdown of the topics that will be covered on the exam. Review the exam content outline carefully to make sure you have a good understanding of all of the exam material.
3. Practice, practice, practice: Take as many practice exams as you can to get a feel for the types of questions that will be on the actual CISM exam. Practice exams can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and give you an idea of which areas you need to focus on.
4. Use study aids: There are many study aids available that can help you prepare for the CISM exam, including flashcards, mind maps, and study guides. Use these resources to help you review the exam material and retain information.
5. Don’t procrastinate: Start studying for the CISM exam as early as possible to give yourself plenty of time to review the material. Procrastinating can lead to last-minute cramming, which is not an effective way to prepare for the exam.

Best Study Material for Passing CISM Exam?

There are many different resources available to help you prepare for the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam. Some of the best study materials for the CISM exam include:
1. CISM Review Manual: The CISM Review Manual is published by ISACA, the organization that administers the CISM exam. The manual provides a detailed overview of the exam content and includes practice questions and review notes to help you prepare for the exam.
2. CISM Review Questions, Answers, and Explanations Database: This online resource provides access to more than 1,100 practice questions, along with answers and explanations, to help you prepare for the CISM exam.
3. CISM Review Course: ISACA offers a CISM Review Course that covers all of the exam content in a structured and comprehensive manner. The review course is taught by experienced professionals who have passed the CISM exam and can provide valuable insights and guidance.
4. CISM Practice Exams: Practice exams are an important tool to help you prepare for the CISM exam. There are several practice exam resources available, including those published by ISACA and third-party providers. Practice exams can help you get a feel for the types of questions that will be on the actual CISM exam and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
5. CISM Review Workshops: Review workshops are typically one- or two-day intensive sessions that cover the exam content in a condensed format. Review workshops can be a helpful way to supplement your independent study and ensure that you are fully prepared for the CISM exam.

Few Last-Minute Exam Tips for Passing CISM Exam?

If you are preparing to take the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) exam and have limited time to study, here are a few last-minute tips to consider:
1. Review the exam content outline: Familiarize yourself with the exam content by reviewing the CISM exam content outline, which provides a detailed breakdown of the topics that will be covered on the exam.
2. Take practice exams: Practice exams can help you get a feel for the types of questions that will be on the actual CISM exam and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Make sure to allocate enough time to review the answers and explanations to practice questions.
3. Use study aids: Flashcards, mind maps, and study guides can be helpful tools for quickly reviewing key concepts and terminology.
4. Get a good night’s sleep: Make sure to get enough rest the night before the exam. Being well-rested can help you perform your best on exam day.
5. Arrive early: Allow plenty of time to get to the exam location so that you are not rushed or stressed.
6. Read the questions carefully: Make sure to read each exam question carefully and fully understand what is being asked before answering.
7. Manage your time effectively: The CISM exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions and is four hours long. It is important to manage your time effectively during the exam to ensure that you are able to complete all of the questions.
8. Stay calm: It is natural to feel nervous before an exam, but try to stay calm and focused. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that you have prepared as well as you could.

Organizations that Prefer CISM certified candidates –

The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification is widely recognized as a benchmark of excellence in the field of information security management. As such, many companies prefer to hire CISM-certified candidates for information security positions. Here are a few examples of companies that may prefer CISM-certified candidates:
1. Financial institutions: Financial institutions, such as banks and investment firms, place a high value on information security and may prefer to hire CISM-certified candidates for information security positions.
2. Healthcare organizations: Healthcare organizations, including hospitals and insurance companies, handle sensitive patient data and may prefer to hire CISM-certified candidates for information security positions to ensure that this data is protected.
3. Government agencies: Government agencies, at the federal, state, and local level, often have strict information security requirements and may prefer to hire CISM-certified candidates for information security positions.
4. Technology companies: Technology companies, such as software and hardware manufacturers, may prefer to hire CISM-certified candidates for information security positions to ensure the security of their products and systems.
5. Consulting firms: Consulting firms that specialize in information security may prefer to hire CISM-certified candidates to provide expert guidance and consulting services to their clients.

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